Sampler Pack with Mug
This is the best way to experiment with three premium, fresh roasts. It also makes the perfect gift for any coffee connoisseur! EpiDrip light roast, Flashover medium roast, and NightShift dark roast. 8 oz each in a snug bed of recyled paper. Plus...a ceramic 3 finger Emergentia mug to complement.
About the mug
10oz ceramic mug. Perfect size, perfect shape. Color is almond and logo is called Servitium Fraternitas, or brotherhood of service... the points of the tirangle represents Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Sevices. Support those who serve.
Timing of Shipments
Coffee is roasted to order every Tuesday.
Orders placed before noon on Monday will be shipped on Friday
Orders placed after noon on Monday will be shipped the following Friday.